You’re Invited to Join Girl Scouts!
Open to all girls in grades K-12
New troop leaders (and their girl) can join for FREE!
Whether they’re exploring the cosmos, camping in the wilderness, or standing up for their beliefs, Girl Scouts is for your kid. That’s because Girl Scouts helps them shine their brightest. Girl Scouts are confident—even in the face of challenges. They’re kind even when others aren’t. They’re problem solvers who see opportunity where others get stuck. Essentially, a Girl Scout is your kid at their best.
Girl Scouts explore, grow, and do amazing things as they connect with their community, their family, and their world.

You can make a difference in the lives of girls. Yes, you! You don’t have to be a parent of a Girl Scout to be a troop leader. If you’re an adult who is passionate about making a positive impact in girls’ lives, then you’re exactly who we’re looking for.
Adults who volunteer to start a new troop (and their girl) can join for FREE! Learn more at GirlScoutsRV.org/Join.
New troop leaders will be invited to participate in New Leader Cohorts: A space for leaders to learn, prepare, connect, and have fun! Both virtual group meetings and learn-at-your-own pace online courses.

Girl Scout FAQ
We get it, you want to have all the facts and to make sure that Girl Scouts is right for your family. Explore our frequently asked questions or reach out to us!